Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thor #364

This issue was written and drawn by Walter Simonson, who was probably the greatest creator to ever work on Thor. I've only managed to read about half his run on the title, but every issue I have has been worth the time and money.

If you aren't familiar with his run on the series, Mr. Simonson introduced two of the greatest characters in the Thor family . The first is Beta Ray Bill, an Alien who is worthy of carrying Thor's hammer (something no other mortal has been able to do before). Beta Ray Bill has gone on to be used over and over again and is a fantastic part of the marvel universe.

The second character (kind of) is Throg.
Throg, who has been updated a bit recently in Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers, first appears in this issue.

And as the cover would suggest, Throg is Thor, as a frog.

The premise is ridiculous, but some how Walter Simonson makes it work, and work well. Beyond that, I am not saying anything. If Throg ain't worth $1.00, then you sir (or madam) don't know what a good comic is

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