(#5 cover by Jim Lee)
Say what you will about Howard Mackie (and I have said a lot of negative things about him) his ghost rider was hugely popular in the 90s.
While I hate his run on Amazing Spider-man for its lack of originality (Arthur Stacey? Jill Stacey? The Squid?), his GhostRider is actually pretty good.
In these issues, Frank Castle a.k.a. The Punisher team up to take down Flag Smasher (yeah, the villain is definitely not the highlight of this story). That said, the interaction between these two characters is pretty fun, as Mackie seems to have them down pat (maybe neither character has much depth...that probably helped, but there I go "hating" on Mackie again).
Are the they greatest comics ever? Not a chance. But this story is a lot of fun, and worth $2.00. (Cause each issue, like everything listed here, is a $1.00 each)
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